
  • Courses in Practical Management and German working ethics, in parallel with language courses for 6 months: The aim is a transfer of “German Know-how” and soft skills.
  • Participants can be from diverse industry sectors like entrepreneurship, finance, IT, biotechnology, medicine, aquaculture, etc.
  • The participant receives a complete package in a residential academy, including board and lodging, care and assistance in all the necessary A full administrative service is available to provide all required documents, visa, insurance, registration.
  • Integration of the participants in a network of companies and academic institutes throughout the 6 months internship.
  • German language, Practical Management courses and Internships in companies for elite persons with an academic background. Participants will expand their knowledge and improve their skills through access to “German Know-how” and education (e.g. for engineers, physicians wishing to specialize, PhD and Master absolvents).

German langugae courses

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German Medical Association Exam

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Management Training

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